4/30/17 It seems like I left the glass world for a bit, but I have not. The glass I use has been hard to get for the past year. So, I've decided to have some fun while waiting for the glass world to right itself. In September, I travelled to The Corning Museum of Glass and I was in heaven. I wish I could have spent a week at the facility. I was also fortunate to take a 4 day glass class at Art Glass Array in St. Charles, MO. I had lots of fun learning new techniques and meeting new people. I have also been busy creating new merchandise for Redbud Creek Farm in Sheridan, IL.
5/1/16 I wanted to make something that will brighten darker areas of the yard and also catch your eye. So I decided that bright opaque colors and movement would work. My first two attempts resulted in broken parts. This is my third attempt. I'm pretty happy with this. These wiggle and swivel to catch your eye. I still want to alter one piece in the future. Keep checking back to see the new design.
Tree Swivels - these are all headed to Redbud Creek Farm in Sheridan, IL. Redbud Creek Farm is an amazing garden center. If you get a chance, it's worth the drive. You can find the address using the Show Schedule and Galleries link at the left.
Click on the images below to zoom in.
2/29/16 I really have been busy in the craft lab in the past few months. I have learned new techniques and am trying to hone in on color combos. Quick question, do you like modern square/rectangle dishes or the traditional round/oval dishes? Use the contact me link and let me know.
10/1/16 Safety first! I look lovely!
9/28/15 I'm thinking of Winter....
8/10/15 My son and I are making stars out of barnwood. They are so pretty. I think I should hang them ALL on my barn. We get lots of wonderful compliments on these. Large stars are about 38 inches wide, medium stars are about 31 inches wide and small stars are about 26 inches wide. All sizes may vary by a few inches.
7/13/15 I fell in love with the Colour de Verre Snowflakes last year, so I thought I would try them myself. This is my first attempt. I followed the instructions step by step. I couldn't believe that 8 grams of frit was all that was needed. Over and over I had to resist the urge to add more frit. These are wafer thin. They will have to added as an embellishment to another piece.
7/11/15 Test reaction tiles. The first two pictures are before firing, the last is after firing. I'm not happy with the smooth-ness of the finished tiles so I'm going to fire them again today to a hotter temperature.
7/5/15 Reaction test tiles...lots of testing with interesting results.
7/2/15 I forgot to post the results of the 6/3/15 firing. I'm really happy with the plant stakes. In the middle picture, there is an unexpected reaction between colors. If you look at the yellow and orange petals closely, you can see an outline. This is the reaction between the blue and yellow, and the turquoise and orange. Now I'm really interested in reactions. I'm off on another technique challenge. REACTIONS!
6/3/15 These are in the kiln now. Can't wait to see the results.
6/3/15 I've been creating colorful stakes for pots. Here's what I've made so far.
6/3/15 Birdhouses out of repurposed teapots. They add a bit of color to that "ever green" area of my yard. I've made about 9 of these.
2/25/15 I've been performing more tests and making lots of test tiles. I'm like a mad scientist. Over the last three weeks, I made the wall panel below. It weights over 3 1/2 pounds and went thru seven firings. Now I have to figure out how to hang it. I still have to add a few non-glass embellishments to it.
2/2/15 Making test tiles in the new kiln to use as a heating reference for future projects.
1/29/15 I've been thinking about what shows apply to. I thought I would apply to Spring shows, but I'm having so much fun playing with the new kiln that I haven't been making "Spring" merchandise. I'd rather experiment with glass and the new kiln than get my tax stuff and show applications in order. What shows would you like me to apply to?
1/12/15 All I wanted for Christmas was money so I could buy this....
12/26/15 Working on Snowmen for 2015
10/20/14 This is a "rough draft" of a snowman ornament or magnet I'm making. It needs some tweaking!
10/13/14 I was in a quilt shop recently and realized that quilt patterns would also work for glass patterns. This is the first piece. Its called Winter Star. I've also addded shows to the Show Schedule link at the left. I hope to see you there.
9/7/14 Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins. They have been so popular. I focus all my creative time making pumpkins. I like the non-traditional colors. Do you agree? Use the "contact me" link at the left to let me know what you think.
The pumpkins are about 7in x 7in.
8/30/14 Today I took pumpkin garden stakes and other Fall merchandise to Redbud Creek farm. I always enjoy my visits there. It's so inspirational. Their garden walk and craft show is September 20. Fused glass Kris Stark
8/28/14 I dropped off Fall and Christmas merchandise at Heirloom Market today. My goal is to deliver Fall merchandise to Redbud Creek Farm this weekend.
8/15/14 I manipulated the pumpkin pattern and added another firing in order to make a dish. Here is the outcome. They were worth the effort. I think that for next year, I will make taller and fatter pumpkins. They might all be different sizes, like in a pumpkin patch.
8/13/14 Check out the new pumpkins I've made. They will eventually become garden stakes. I'm also trying to make one into a dish. Making pumpkins is a time consuming but rewarding effort. They were a great seller at the Huntley Artfest in August. I'm finding that I feel the more recent projects are time consuming and test my abilities. I'm experimenting with new techniques more often. Does that mean I'm evolving into more mature artistry? Lets hope so.
6/18/14 For those of you who requested more Wine Bottle Planters to be delivered to Redbud Creek Farm, I will drop more off on Friday afternoon, 6/20.
5/28/14 I've stocked and restocked Redbud Creek Farm and Heirloom Market. It seems the wine bottle planters are a hot item at Redbud Creek Farm. They are such a neat item. Not only can you plant flowers in them and add different heights to your urn or garden, it has many other functional purposes. You can put a candle in them to add a glow to your garden or pathway, add a collection of marbles or seashells. Display a bird nest and eggs in it. You can even put attractive silk flowers in it. Use your imagination.
4/22/14 Butterflies are emerging. I like the inclusion of Opal Art and Spirit glass. These are time consuming to make and I'm eager to move on to something new. My goal was to make 20 butterflies, but I think 10 is "gonna to have to do."
Finished Butterfly garden stake.
4/17/14 I've been trying to come up with a unique butterfly garden stake. I
want it to have deminsion. This is what I came up with. What do you think? It goes through multiple firings and uses lots of glass shards. It has to be mounted on a rod before I consider it finished.
want it to have deminsion. This is what I came up with. What do you think? It goes through multiple firings and uses lots of glass shards. It has to be mounted on a rod before I consider it finished.
2/23/14 I'm back from my travels....9 states in 8 days. It was a great trip. I was able to make a bowl and visit with my friend Laura. I made the vessel at the Weisser Glass Studio in Kensington, MD. The whole staff was very helpful, full of unintentional tips and Nancy taught me the process of making the vessel. I originally took two vessels that had been slumped once. I broke the brown vessel so we concentrated on the clear vessel. Check out the pictures below of the process. I'm so happy with the finished vessel. I call it the Holy Bowl. When I initially created the flat disk, a bubble appeared. I tried to pop it, but it fought back. So, I decided it was meant to stay. I only wish I had two more bubbles. I still have alot of practicing to do and I can't wait to make more. Check out Weisser Glass Studio at www.weisserglass.com. One of the unintentional tips I learned was to photograph the vessel on black glass. I love the reflection of the vessel in the black glass. I learned so much. Thanks to everyone at Weisser Glass.
2/10/14 An air bubble appeared in the previous disk I discussed on 2/7/14. So, I went to plan B. It seems my life revolves around plan B. Does that mean I'm good at rolling with the punches?
1. I created a 15 inch disk with clear on clear glass (which, funny enough, gave me beautiful streaks of white). It also had an air bubble but I've decided to try to slump it into the molds anyway.
2. I created a 14 1/2 in disk with no bubbles (yea!).
Below are pictures of the vessels after the first slump into a large mold. They will go through two more slumps before they are completed. I'll try to post pictures as I go through the process.
2/7/14 In a few weeks, I will learn to make a deep form vessel. My first challenge is to create an eye appealing fused disk. I've practiced with 10in and smaller disks with lots of trials and errors. I'm hoping I have the tried and true method down. For my first vessel, I am playing with color dilution of transparent class. The first two pictures are the "before" image. I'll try to post new pictures after each step. The third picture is a small bowl I slumped in my small manual kiln.....I can't believe it didn't crack! I used a technique I learned in last weeks class...something I call Brain Frit.
2/1/14 The groundhog saw it's shadow. Yea! Those of you that know me personally, know that I love winter. This winter has been AWESOME! Lots of snow makes for lots of fun. January has been a busy month for me. I've been revamping the craft lab. Reorganizing, taking inventory, dusting, taxes....you get the picture.
I took a glass class taught by Robin Kittleson the last week of January and it gave me the kick in the butt I needed to be creative again. I learned all sorts of methods to create texture in glass. It was very inspiring. I learned so many tips and tricks. Thanks Robin!
My focus lately has been on cutting circles. Therefore, I'm making lots of dishes. I'm starting small and progressively working bigger.
12/20/13 Show season and our grain harvest is over. I'm taking a break for a while. I have added a "for sale" link at the left that contains some of the popular items I have left in stock. I do have a few bird feeders for sale also. I hope you all have a great, safe and healthy holiday season. I always tell my family and friends to "Eat, Drink, Be Merry, and save me your wine bottles and bubble wrap".
I am only collecting bottles with painted labels at this point. They can be wine bottles or liquor bottles. For example, Belvidere Vodka, Chopin Vodka, Sam Adams 1 pint 9.4 oz Thirteenth Hour, New World or Tetravis. Also, bottles with long necks.
11/20/13 I was never able to post pictures of budvases. They have been selling as fast as I can make them. My next show is in Sycamore at the old train depot. It's been under construction for quite a while. I can't wait to see the final results this weekend.
10/29/13 Bud Vases have been so popular this year. I've recruited help. I've put my mom and dad to work for the cause. Watch for the new creations to be posted next week. I have a show in Barrington, IL this weekend and will post what hasn't sold.
10/28/13 Angels and Wreaths are popping up. Its a time consuming process. These Angels are made from art glass, repurposed jewelry and welding wire someone gave me. The welding wire is tough on my fingers. It doesn't want to bend. The Wreaths are created through many firings in the kiln. The berries are add in the last firing to give them dimension. I hope you like them.
10/20/13 Bud Vases seem to be a great seller for me. Check out the new vases I've created on the Works - Repurposed Glass Bottles link at the left side of this page.
10/18/13 I'm building stock for future shows. I've added a few Bud Vases and
Bottle hooks. Check out the new merchandise using the Works - Repurposed Glass
Bottles link. Does anyone know what the long silver thing is on this Bottle hook? It looks like some sort of spoon. Use the Contact Me link and let me know.
Bottle hooks. Check out the new merchandise using the Works - Repurposed Glass
Bottles link. Does anyone know what the long silver thing is on this Bottle hook? It looks like some sort of spoon. Use the Contact Me link and let me know.
10/10/13 Fall and harvest are here and my craft show circuit has started. Cider N Cinnamon in Rockford proved to be a great show. The forecast was for horrible weather but it skirted around us. We had a few 5 minute showers but the show patrons popped up open their umbrellas and continued to shop. It was a good show with a variety of merchandise. I hope you all consider visiting it next year.
8/5/13 I've been working hard to create enough stock for upcoming shows. My kiln has been acting up and I've become my own kiln technician. I have a new crop of birdfeeders. They are so much fun to create. I am not having much luck finding ceramic vessels for the base. Once and a while I strike gold and find a really cool one (see the fish birdfeeder on the Works - Repurposed bottles link). I've been adding Halloween items to my stash and trying a few new things. I'll post pictures of my trials and creations.
8/5/13 I've been working hard to create enough stock for upcoming shows. My kiln has been acting up and I've become my own kiln technician. I have a new crop of birdfeeders. They are so much fun to create. I am not having much luck finding ceramic vessels for the base. Once and a while I strike gold and find a really cool one (see the fish birdfeeder on the Works - Repurposed bottles link). I've been adding Halloween items to my stash and trying a few new things. I'll post pictures of my trials and creations.
5/4/13 I created feeders until 3:00 a.m last night. I put them out this morning with seed to see if the birds would like them. I had a yellow finch at each feeder. I guess they passed the test. They love it. I was afraid that some of the colors would scare birds away.
5/3/13 My birdfeeder design worked (see April 5 & 24 entries). The rain is able to drain out of the vessel and the seed can continue to flow through the bottle. Today I will make more birdfeeders and post pictures soon. Each has a different repurposed vessel to catch the seed. Use larger seed with this feeder. The Cardinals push the small seed through the holes in the bottom, which is a bonus for other birds who clean up the seed on the ground.
4/26/13 I'm looking for a new shop to sell my wares. The shop I do business out of is closing in June. I will really miss it. Christy (the owner) was so good to me. I was able to take custom orders to the shop and the buyer would pick the item up at their convenience. If anyone owns a shop in the DeKalb/Sycamore area that I could do business out of, send me an email at [email protected]
4/25/13 Today, I dropped flower, owl, bird and furby stakes off at Redbud Creek Farm. They are open for the season with a large supply of garden decor and plants. I hope you check them out sometime. It's a cool garden center nestled in the country. www.RedbudCreekFarm.com
Revised Birdfeeder: I changed the saucer to a bowl and the birds are able to perch while eating. The cardinals visit the feeder many times a day. The wind has not been able to blow the seed out of the bowl. Next, I'll wait to see what the rain does to the seed. I put drainage holes throughout the bottom of the vessel hoping the moisture will not collect inside the bottle. I'll update you after a major rain (which the midwest does not need at the moment). |
4/5/13 A few of you have sent me pictures of birdfeeders made out of bottles. I made a
few of these years ago and gave them away as gifts. I'm resurrecting the project and adding them to the craft show circuit. The bottle, saucer, cork and handle are all second hand. I like to reuse as much as possible. I'm finding the saucer isn't working as planned. The wind blows the seed out of the saucer and the seed in the bottle absorbs the rain water and compacts it so it will not flow out. The birds also had a tough time perching to feed from the feeder. I'm going to try a bowl. |
Color therapy...even on a gray day.
Mother Nature FINALLY came through for us. Let the winter fun begin. I love the different seasons and what they bring.
The picture at the left is my version of color therapy for the day. I couldn't resist.
Over the past few days, my husband and I made a spray booth in our basement. It's vented to the outside so I don't have to disperse fumes throughout the house. Yea!
I'm currently working on functional spring garden decor. Hopefully I'll have pictures soon. I ran across a neat magazine at a local shop called "Flea Market Gardens." What a cool magazine. It's full of inspiration. Doing some research, I find that the publisher has been publishing this magazine for a few years. I'm going to have to find the 2011 and 2012 issues to add to my collection.
The picture at the left is my version of color therapy for the day. I couldn't resist.
Over the past few days, my husband and I made a spray booth in our basement. It's vented to the outside so I don't have to disperse fumes throughout the house. Yea!
I'm currently working on functional spring garden decor. Hopefully I'll have pictures soon. I ran across a neat magazine at a local shop called "Flea Market Gardens." What a cool magazine. It's full of inspiration. Doing some research, I find that the publisher has been publishing this magazine for a few years. I'm going to have to find the 2011 and 2012 issues to add to my collection.
Special Request - Guitar Slide
I had a request from a patron of one of the Fall shows...can I make a guitar slide. Of course I had no idea they could be made out of glass. But I told the gentleman that I would certainly give it a try. He described what he wanted, we measured his little finger and viola....this is what I came up with.
Yes it was over 100 degrees in the shed while working with the kiln. You could call it my sweat lodge.
These dishes went through 5 firings over 5 days. It was very time consuming and costly....but definately worth it. You can not tell by the pictures that they are dishes but they are.